.02 Sampling of aggregates
AS 1141 3.1
MRWA Method WA200.1
Sampling from a stockpile
.13 Particle size distribution
AS 1141 11.1
MRWA Method WA210.1
Sieve analysis
.16 Particle shape tests
AS 1141 14, 15, 20.1
MRWA Methods WA215.1, WA216.1
Proportional calliper; average least dimension; flakiness index
.24 Contaminants
AS 1141 33
Clay and fine silt
.03 Sample preparation
AS 1289 1.1
MRWA Method WA105.1
Sample preparation
.02 Site selection
AS 1289 1.4.1, 1.4.2
MRWA Methods WA0.1, WA100.1
Site selection by random number and stratified random number
.21 Chemical tests
MRWA Method WA915.1
Calcium carbonate content
.43 Strength tests – laboratory
MRWA Method WA140.1
Compressive strength (maximum dry)
.02 Site selection
AS 1289 1.4.1, 1.4.2
MRWA Methods WA0.1, WA100.1
Site selection by random number and stratified random number
.32 Compaction tests
AS 1289 5.1.1, 5.2.1, 5.4.2
MRWA Methods WA132.1, WA132.2, WA133.1, WA133.2
Standard and modified compaction; assignment of OMC and MDD
.47 Strength and penetration tests – field
AS 1289 6.3.2, 6.3.3
Penetration (dynamic-cone, Perth sand penetrometer)
.03 Sample preparation
AS 1289 1.1
MRWA Method WA105.1
Sample preparation
.35 Field density tests
AS 1289 5.3.1, 5.4.1, 5.4.3, 5.7.1, 5.8.1
MRWA Methods WA134.1, WA135.2, WA136.1, WA324.1, WA324.2
Field density (sand-cone); dry density ratio, moisture variation and moisture ratio; compaction control-dry density ratio and moisture ratio using statistical selection of reference values; compaction control – Hilf method; field moisture content and field density using a nuclear gauge
.11 Classification tests
AS 1289 2.1.1, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.2.1, 3.3.1, 3.4.1, 3.6.1, 3.8.1, 3.9.1
AS 1726 Appendix A, Section A2 (Laboratory test only)
MRWA Method WA110.1, WA110.2, WA115.1, WA115.2, WA120.1, WA120.2, WA121.1, WA122.1, WA123.1
Moisture content; liquid limit; plastic limit; plasticity index; linear shrinkage; sieve analysis; Emerson class number; description, identification and classification of soils
.42 Bearing strength tests – laboratory
AS 1289 6.1.1
MRWA Method WA141.1
Bearing ratio (remoulded specimens)
.02 Site selection
AS 1289 1.4.1, 1.4.2
MRWA Methods WA0.1, WA100.1
Site selection by random number and stratified random number
.21 Chemical tests
MRWA Method WA915.1
Calcium carbonate content
.43 Strength tests – laboratory
MRWA Method WA140.1
Compressive strength (maximum dry)
.02 Site selection
AS 1289 1.4.1, 1.4.2
MRWA Methods WA0.1, WA100.1
Site selection by random number and stratified random number
.32 Compaction tests
AS 1289 5.1.1, 5.2.1, 5.4.2
MRWA Methods WA132.1, WA132.2, WA133.1, WA133.2
Standard and modified compaction; assignment of OMC and MDD
.47 Strength and penetration tests – field
AS 1289 6.3.2, 6.3.3
Penetration (dynamic-cone, Perth sand penetrometer)
.03 Sample preparation
AS 1289 1.1
MRWA Method WA105.1
Sample preparation
.35 Field density tests
AS 1289 5.3.1, 5.4.1, 5.4.3, 5.7.1, 5.8.1
MRWA Methods WA134.1, WA135.2, WA136.1, WA324.1, WA324.2
Field density (sand-cone); dry density ratio, moisture variation and moisture ratio; compaction control-dry density ratio and moisture ratio using statistical selection of reference values; compaction control – Hilf method; field moisture content and field density using a nuclear gauge
.11 Classification tests
AS 1289 2.1.1, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.2.1, 3.3.1, 3.4.1, 3.6.1, 3.8.1, 3.9.1
AS 1726 Appendix A, Section A2 (Laboratory test only)
MRWA Method WA110.1, WA110.2, WA115.1, WA115.2, WA120.1, WA120.2, WA121.1, WA122.1, WA123.1
Moisture content; liquid limit; plastic limit; plasticity index; linear shrinkage; sieve analysis; Emerson class number; description, identification and classification of soils
.42 Bearing strength tests – laboratory
AS 1289 6.1.1
MRWA Method WA141.1
Bearing ratio (remoulded specimens)